
Intuition meets performance

  • Familiar interface

    Instead of emulating analog turntables, we built a sequencer designed for live performance and inspired by software familiar to musicians everywhere. Drag and drop song sections to perform live remixes and mashups. Use a second playhead to hear parts of your arrangement before the audience, knowing that you can edit every aspect of the arrangement on-the-fly.

  • Always in sync

    blueberry's arrangement view keeps all your tracks aligned to the beat, so you can think about song structure and phrasing rather than minute timing adjustments. Adjust the global tempo at any time and all your tracks will follow.

  • Instantly reveal
    flawless transitions

    Advanced search filters help you find harmonically compatible songs for truly seamless transitions. And of course, all the metadata, playlist, and tempo filtering you're familiar with in other DJ software is also available in blueberry.

  • Use devices
    you already own

    Forget buying external controllers. We designed blueberry to provide a great experience on the laptop or tablet you already own.

Most DJ equipment is confusing and expensive.
That's why we made blueberry different.
